Her Choices

Quiet Echo

She has found the perfect spot , hidden by the wide branches of trees near the river bank . She likes the quiet surrounding of this place . Light wind is blowing, river seems very calm . This place gives her a sense of peace and security . She came here to free herself from the demanding pressure of everyday life .From time to time , She needs to get away from the selfish and materialistic world she lives in , she needs to disconnect herself from the egoistic and self-centered people around her for a while .No,not all the people are like that , she knows some very good and kind people too .Sometimes she just needs time and space to clear her mind and recharge herself for future dealings and pressures of life .


Castle or Dungeon!

She has a lot on her mind , she is good at hiding her fears . She is quite reserved and secretive. It’s very difficult to know what’s going in her mind .Not many people know her .The persona that people associate with her is not her true self .It’s all an act , deep down she wants to be understood . She foolishly believed ,someone would see through her act but now she knows that that wait will never be over . She must collect the pieces of her hidden-self herself and she needs to draw the courage to demolish the walls she has created around her . Those walls were meant to protect her not to suffocate her . It’s getting darker in there she needs new walls that will give her enough space to live  wholeheartedly .She must revive her identity . She must redesign those walls .She needs a castle not a dungeon.She has learnt her lesson,” To have a reserved personality is not a bad thing as long as you accept yourself fully” . This acceptance will transform her dungeon into a very spacious and secured castle .

skipton_castle_dungeon_by_tasastock-d4ahkkh        FAIRYTALE_CASTLE_Wallpaper_sf4hu

*All the pictures used in this post are taken from Google images.

Trapped : That stage of life

We start our lives as dependents . Our parents and elders are responsible for us . We are allowed to make mistakes . Life is fun . We are free to do what we like. There are no burden , no responsibilities . We are not asked to make any life changing decisions .


Alas ! time changes. We grow old  , we are given responsibilities , we are held accountable for our actions , we start to race against time . We are to make decisions , big decision . We have to make choices than and there . Choices that we can’t undo . We face hardships , betrayal and rejections . We might feel devastated ,torn or broken .  But we have to be strong because we are at that stage , we have to fight our own battles . We are on our own .


With passage of time , we become more aware and learned . In the light of new information and understanding , we are horrified with the choices we made in past . We want to change them , we dream and pray for a second chance but time is not on our side anymore .

The clock in ticking . We can’t go in past , can’t change what we have or haven’t done . Missed opportunities , wrong decisions , unfulfilled promises , broken dreams are all real and experienced by us .


We want to forget , to change , to run , to hide but we can’t , can we ?

Nevertheless, It’s all part of life .We have to accept otherwise we will never be able move on .


Imperfection is the real perfection

We,human beings the most superior species on this earth, spend our lives searching for perfection. Looking for the perfect education , perfect job , perfect life partner , perfect dress for special occassions , perfect house , perfect wedding , perfect friends . But the irony of life is we are not clear about the concept of perfection .

Can we lead a 100% perfect life ? A life without failure or sorrow or tears ?

Life is not a linear journey . It has ups and downs , highs and lows
. Striving for the best is really nice but we need to be prepared for failure . There will be times when even the best strategies won’t work . When all the hard work and effort won’t produce the expected result then what ? Should we stop living ? Should we stop dreaming ?
No the answer is persistance . If we try to avoid failure we will never be able to face them .We will spend the rest of our lives blaming ourself for being imperfect . We need to accept the fact that there will be times when we wont achieve what we plan for in our first attempt or may be what we are trying to achieve is not in our own favor .

Don’t run after the illusion of perfect life . Imperfection is the real perfection . Accept the mistakes , failures and learn from them if  we ignore this lesson it will only make our lives miserable .

Even the moon has scars ,
Even the best teachers don’t know it all ,
We succeed , we fall ,
No one has ever achieved perfection so far,
Imperfection is the real perfection for us all .

Essence of life

Life is a set of many small things , gestures and feelings.The key to lead a happy life is to live and cherish those small steps .

Don’t get too caught up in planning big . Essence of happy life lies in the beauty of small things.Sometimes, a small gesture of kindness can bring  a drastic change in other person’s life.

Life is not just your career.Never neglect the people in your life. You must focus on your education and career but when you are climbing the ladder of success share it with the people in your life .

Life is a blend of many things .Yes you need to get good education to opt for a respectable career. You also need to make friends , to give time to your family and never forget to give something or do something for society .

“Stop Overthinking ” Take it easy ,Its your mind not a pressure cooker :p

“Stop Overthinking ”
Take it easy ,Its your mind not a pressure cooker :p

I have this problem of overthinking and over analyzing any situation . The irony of my life is people call me ‘ calm and quiet ‘ but they don’t know the real ME . Yes , my exterior is that of a calm and ordinary person  . People dont notice me at first .They think me incapable of understanding emotions  but  they do not know that  whenever any topic is discussed or any question is asked  , Istart thinking on it I may look calm from outside but inside my brain , is a war going on . Sometimes I feel like 2 or more people are debating in my mind given counter agruments to one another and trying to reach the best answer or the best solution or  the best statement that should be said in that situation.

people are either shy or introvert ( as most of the introverts and psycologist have proved that shyness and introversion are not the same thing ) , I m both . I am a perfectionalist (who wants to be the best to do the best) by actions and a dreamer( who want to learn from her mistakes) by heart .

I believe the most precious gift of God is people who are around us yet at the same time I do believe that those people can also be the most dangerous ones .

well its kinda wierd …